A trip to Devil’s Oven
Contrary to the name, the Devil’s Oven are actually ice caves. This was quite a find a few years ago and we finally decided to go and visit this year. Luckily these caves were out in Minto, NB which meant that they where only an hour drive away from home. While doing my research around it, I found that we actually had to walk over a frozen river to get to it. I was sure this would be something that would excite the family.
This fine January morning we took the family and went for the drive. The weather was around -10C which meant it would not be too cold for the walk, and the river would still be frozen. To our surprise the place was busy, but I assume a lot of people wanted to take advantage of the good weather and get a chance to get outside in these covid days.
The walk was only 10 to 15 minutes long and we were at the caves:
We took a closer look inside the caves and of course Elma wanted to go for a slide: