Setting up house modes – How to deal with the bright lights
Well, having the lights controlled via the sensors for a month now has been fun as we all forgot how to turn on the lights in the major rooms, so mission accomplished! Now the challenge was that late at night you would have to wake up to have bright lights in your face. That was a common feedback from the parents and Elma. SmartThings has house modes and we created a new one called night mode, and a few more.
I had to create a new routine in webcore that said – if the house is in night mode, the lights can only be at a certain level of brightness. This would solve the problem. I added the following code to my routine to change the light level only during night mode, and applied it to all the routines that controlled the lights.
I added the one line that says set the level to 10% only when in night mode.
Now the lights are just fine. No more being woken up by me going to the washroom in the middle of the night, the lights are also soft enough that I can go back to sleep. I am sure the rest of the house appreciates that as well.